Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's Cold Because the Electrician Died
In case you thought I was living in a tropical's cold here!

We had a spell of warm days in Banaue that I couldn’t help but describe as sublime, over and over again.

“It’s so sublime out,” I said to Adam as we walked to the market one afternoon.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Sublime, huh? It’s nice, I’ll give you that, but I don’t know about sublime.”

But really, the weather just felt perfect—not too warm and no chill breeze. I knew it wouldn’t last, though Adam and I both wondered if it was a sign that summer was on its way. It wasn't. Recently a cold front moved in and I’ve been snuggling under five blankets again, dressed in my pajamas from head to toe.

Lola and I discussed the change in weather over marienda (afternoon snack) this afternoon.

“It’s a bit cold,” I said.

“Yes,” she said. “It is. It’s because they brought a man who was electrified home from Manila.”

“What?” I said. I wasn’t sure we’d heard each other right.

“There was a man from here who was an electrician in Manila. He was working and he was electrified. They brought his body home a few days ago.”

“And that’s why it’s cold?”

“Yes,” she said, leaning across the table, her cup of Nescafe coffee steaming in her hands. “It is an old belief, but it is true. Whenever it is cold like this, or rainy, it is because something bad happened.”

I thought for a moment about how Banaue has been cold and rainy for more than half the time I’ve been here. Had there been a rash of deaths? “But the rain is good too, Lola,” I said, “Because it waters the plants.”

“Yes, the plants need the water,” she said, nodding, staring out the window at the fog tipped mountains. “So it is good too.”

I nodded my head. What else could I say? In Lola’s mind it was cold because the electrician died, and I guess that’s a good enough reason as any.

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