Sunday, March 02, 2008

Okay, so I'm writing a lot about Obama lately. Well, he's inspired me. So, I'm going to caucus training on Wednesday, and then I've got to get in gear and start calling my precinct folks. Apparently I just have to call and try this script out, which I like alright:

1. I tell them I'm doing a survey and ask who they're voting for in the next election.
2. If they say anyone besides Obama, I tell them I'll make a note of it and thank them for their time.
3. If they say Obama, then I ask them to come to the caucus and give them the time and information that they need.

Then, I show up on caucus day and help get other voters excited about Obama and into our camp.

It's a strangely arbitrary electoral process, but fascinating as well. What I'm loving most about this campaign is learning about the election on every level. It's fascinating. I've never felt so in the loop before.

There's a slight possibility I might try to become a delegate. I hear you may have to campaign for it, but if it's light campaigning (like going door to door to introduce myself) then I just might do it. We'll see. My friend Kara is getting excited about helping too, and I'm just fascinated by the process and the power of politics.

Anyway--it's fun! Get involved. Now that I am, I'm amazed at how much we take our personal power for granted. I wish I'd known just how involved I could be long ago.

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