Sunday, April 08, 2007

Holy Week is the most important religious period for many Filipinos. The entire city of Manila shuts down for Maudy Thursday and Good Friday, and many people go on vacation, make pilgrimages, and have family gatherings over the weekend.

There's also an interesting event that happens at Cutud, a town in the Pampanga province—located on the mainland of Luzon. It's a reenactment of Jesus' crucifixion--by doing the real thing with local Filipinos.

Thousands of locals and tourists gathered this year to see the fifteen men and one woman who crucified themselves voluntarily. They spent the day self-flagellating, praying, and carrying the cross. The annual event ended with actual crucifixions—where real nails are driven into their hands and feet and the cross is mounted with the person on it. However, the people only hang for a few minutes—as long as they choose to stay up there—rather than a few days.

Each person does it for their own reason—most of which include penitence for sins. National Geographic interviewed one man, Rolando Ocampo—a carpenter. Years ago, when his wife and child hovered near death after her delivery, he promised that if they survived he would crucify himself on Good Friday. They survived, and now each year Ocampo puts on his crown of thorns and joins his community for a crucifixion.

See a short video of Ocampo and the event here:

National Geographic asked Ocampo: How do you endure the agony?

Ocampo said, “From the time I undress and I lie on the cross, it's like Christ takes over my body.”

There are many protests to it—largely from the Church which would prefer less violent acts of faith, and frowns on flagellation as well. I don't entirely know what to think about it. It kind of disturbs me that people would believe that level of pain and suffering is necessary to purify themselves or have a spiritual experience. But then sometimes when I’m out here, lonely as hell and miserable, missing everyone I love because I believe in what I’m doing out here—I wonder if I’m so far off.

What are your thoughts?

For another article and more pictures, check out this BBC site:

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